Performance Management

Established a Performance Management Program & Automated Budget Reporting


The National Institutes of Health, Office of Research Facilities (ORF)


The Office of Research Facilities (ORF) is responsible for the maintenance and operation of NIH’s facilities program and nearly 229 government-owned buildings in six locations nationwide. ORF has managed NIH capital construction projects covering more than 1.6 million gross square feet of research and patient case space. With this high-level of responsibility comes great scrutiny, and senior leadership recognized the need to track metrics and set the course toward the Institute’s first Performance Management Program. ORF’s Office of Acquisitions and Budget was also in need of integrated financial reports that could bring data from the myriad of disparate building, project and financial systems to improve and streamline the quality of reporting.


Malbaie implemented an organization wide Performance Management Program working closely with the Director and Senior Staff to develop 80+ key performance indicators (KPIs) for tracking metrics across contract management, budget, facilities operations, environmental protection, administration and others. We developed sophisticated procedures to gather performance data from NIH source systems and showcased monthly performance during Senior Staff meetings. Our personnel also developed the ORF Data Mart (ODM), a database with custom SQL extraction queries, joins, and views that collect and aggregate data from disparate data sources. ODM automated formerly manual, repeatable, and time-consuming tasks while maintaining data integrity to provide ORF with complete and accurate information for decision making.


The Performance Management Program provided the Director and senior leadership the ability to manage by exception and allocate resources to critical business areas in need of attention. During our four years, our team improved business processes in the areas of budget formulation, budget execution, acquisition lead times , Oracle Projects enhancement reporting and analytics, and KPI automation to name a few. Our support for the Budget and Finance (B&F) Board and voting members improved financial reporting and brought separate databases together, such as the NIH building deficiency list into SharePoint to support ORF initiate projects on time, maximize available budget and reduce annual budget carryover.

Brice Rhee


Brice is responsible for leading the company’s strategic vision, growth initiatives and building strategic partnerships. She specializes in digital transformation, design leadership and front-end development. She is a Certified Public Accountant with over 20 years of experience.